Lecture 2 - MIPS

Thursday, May 08, 2014

1:55 PM



    Important Recall: 32 “general-purpose” registers, each holds 32 bits


    Add the contents of registers $s + $t, store the result in registry $d

    • $d <- $s + $t

    2^5 = 32, 5 bits to store a registry #


    15 bits to encode 3 registers

    leaves 17 bits to encode operation


    Important RAM

    • large amount of memory stored away from the CPU
    • data travels between RAM & CPU on the bus
    • big array of n bytes, n ~ 10^9
    • each cell has an address 0, …, n-1
    • Each 4-byte block is a word
    • words have addresses 0, 4, 8, c, 10, 14, 18, 1c, …
    • much slower than regs


    Important Communicating with RAM – two commands

    • load
      • transfer a word from a specified address to a specified register
    • desired address goes into the Memory Address Register (MAR)
    • this goes out on the bus
      • data at that location comes back on the bus and goes into the Memory Data Register (MDR)
      • value in MDR moved to destination reg
    • store
      • reverse of a load


    Question Q: How does the computer know which words contain instructions and which contain data?

    A: It doesn’t – special register called PC (program counter) holds the address of the next instruction to run


    By convention, we guarantee that some address (say, 0) contains code, initialize PC to 0.

    Computer runs the fetch-execute cycle:

    PC <- O


    IR <- MEM[PC]

    decode + execute instruction in IR

    end loop

    • IR = Instruction Register: holds the current instruction


    Question Q: How does a program get executed?

    A: Program called loader puts the program in memory and sets the PC to the address of the first instruction in the program


    Question Q: What happens when a program ends?

    A: Need to return control to the loader to set PC to the address of the next instruction in the loader

    • register $31 stores this address
    • need to set PC to $1 (jr $31)


    Example 1:

    Add the values in registers 4 & 7, store the result in $3, then return.

    MIPS machine code:






    0000 0000 1010 0111 0001 1000 0010 0000



    0000 0011 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000




    • 0000 00
    • 00 101 = s
    • 0 0111 = t
    • 0001 10 = d




    Example 2:

    Add 42 and 53, store sum in $3, then return











    0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1000 0001 0100

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1010

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1000 0001 0100

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 0100

    + example 1 code





    lis $5

    .word 42

    list $7

    .word 52


    • lis $d: load immediate & skip
      • treat next word as an immediate value and load it into $d, then skip to the following instruction
    • .word is a directive
      • assembler, the next byte is 42, just put 42 in the file


    Assembly Language

    • replace tedious binary/hex encodings with simple mnemonics.
    • direct translation back to binary (assembler)
    • one line of assembly = one machine instruction (word)


    Example 2 Revisited:

    lis $5 ;($5 <- 42)

    .word 42

    lis $7

    .word 52

    add $3, $5, $7

    jr $32







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